Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Yoga Embodiment Project - Take One

OMG, Photoshoot!
I've been meaning to put pictures of me doing various yoga poses up here for a while. "The Yoga Embodiment Project" was an assignment we did for class. Thanks to Lauren B. for taking these in the beautiful Oakland Rose Garden a couple of months ago...

Tadasana - Mountain Pose
Utkatasana (often known as Chair) - means Powerful Pose!The Requisite Downward Dog - Adho Mukha SvasanaPlank to Chaturanga Dandasana - Don't do this too often now because of my shoulder...
Urdhva Mukha Svasana - Upward-Facing DogVirabhadrasana One - Warrior OneVirabhadrasana Two - Warrior TwoTrikonasana - TriangleParivrtta Trikonasana - Revolved Triangle (Lauren's Favorite)
Bakasana - Crane (AKA Crow)
Urdhva Dhanurasana - Upward Bow or WheelSalambasana - Shoulderstand

I'm planning to take another set of pictures after my training is done in July to see how my practice has changed. It was really insightful to see how I looked in each pose. I looked better than I'd expected but the more I learn about alignment, I know there's lots of room for improvement. I'm working on 'em and I've got to remember that I've got a lifetime of poses ahead of me...
BONUS Photos: This little girl found us in the park and was curiously watching us while her mom and aunt talked nearby. I told her we were doing yoga and asked her if she knew any poses. She said yes and excitedly joined me for Downward Dog. Then, she showed me her favorite, Volcano! It was new to me :)

1 comment:

  1. Brennan, you are embodiment, indeed. I am so impressed!
